Mi-SCAN Lift Stage (Archive) 

^^ Craft Information - Initial Orbital Data ^^

Due to a design oversight, the combined booster and lifter Δv comes out to 3.756km/s, which is 306m/s more than is needed for insertion into 75km LKO. Because we want the lift stage to de-orbit the decision was made to manually stage just prior to positive perikee during the orbital insertion burn. When staged, the engines are supposed to cut but that mechanism failed for some reason and the 3 main engines continued to push against the craft. The loss of firm connection between the stages caused a shift in mass balance that began to torque the craft around radially until the engines flamed out and the stage could finally be left behind under power of the transfer engine. It now resides in a stable orbit and will not be returning without a mission to go up and knock it down

Created: 4/27/15 @ 20:05:10 UTC
Avg Velocity: 2.090km/s
Periapsis: 72.025km
Apoapsis: 415.374km
Eccentricity: 0.203478
Inclination: 8.534°
Orbital Period: 2,591.05s
Resources: None
Last Update: 4/27/15 @ 20:21 UTC
 Mission Report  
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Active Vessels

    1. HXF-644 (Class-C)
    2. BCF-204 (Class-E)
      1. ComSat Mun I
      2. ComSat Mun II
      3. ComSat Mun III
      4. Mun III Heat Shield
      5. Munar Orbiter III
      6. Mun III Derelict
      7. Mu-SCAN
      1. ComSat Minmus I Transfer Stage
      2. ComSat Minmus I
      3. ComSat Minmus II
      4. ComSat Minmus III
      5. Mi-SCAN
      6. ComSat Minmus III Transfer Stage
      7. Mi-SCAN Transfer Stage
    1. ComSat Link-1
    2. Mun III Rescue Vehicle Interstage Fairing
    3. Mun III Rescue Vehicle Interstage Fairing
    4. Mun III Rescue Vehicle Transfer Stage
    5. IP ComSat I
    6. IP ComSat II
    7. IP ComSat II Transfer Stage
    8. IP LinkSat
    9. KWO-1
    10. KWO-2
    11. LKO ComSat I
    12. LKO ComSat II
    13. LKO ComSat III
    14. Meeny (Class-A)
    15. Mun II Lift Stage
    16. Lupek
    17. Mi-SCAN Lift Stage
    18. Kerman Space Telescope
    19. Docking Test Capsule
    20. KDO MkIII
    1. Duna I
    2. Duna IPLink-1
    3. Phos
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