Once again pushing things to the limit the new Ascension Mk3 fails to achieve an optimal ascent, suffering a similar failure to the first Mk2 however this time the payload was at least able to be recovered via controlled abort
Tag Archive: Delay
Oct 29 2020
Progeny Mk7-B Flight 4
Sep 24 2020
Ascension Mk2 Flight 2 (Kerbin II)
Aug 27 2020
Progeny Mk7-B Flight 2
Aug 14 2020
Progeny Mk7-B Flight 1
Mar 20 2020
Ascension Mk1 Flight 12 (Captain Jebediah)
Foiled during his first attempt, Captain Jebediah faced additional hurdles before he was able to finally make his trip up into space, becoming the 3rd kerbal to venture beyond the atmosphere and gaze down upon our planet
Jan 22 2020