Outdated mod that is still being supported
Outdated mod that is no longer being supported
Visual Enhancement ID List
- Sun
- Textures: SVE/BetterKerbol
- Kerbin
- Textures: KSPRC
- Clouds: StockVolumetric
- Scatterer: Default
- Mun
- Textures: KSPRC
- Minmus
- Textures: Parallax
Environmental Visual Enhancements
- v1.2.6.0
- v0.4.0
- Patreon R4
- OPM Configs
- Andromeda Sunflare
- Galileo’s Sun Flares
- brighter atmospheres for Scatterer v0.0256+
- Nighttime clear sky (viewdirOffset set positive)
- Jool config
- v0.7-pr3
- Just carry-over from previous install
- v4.5.3
- Scratched visors
- The Martian-inspired suit pack
- Val heads texture pack
- Pood’s skyboxes
- Scart91 Texture Pack
- J’s Legendary Suit Pack
- J’s pack expansion
- Araym’s Stock-alike Specialization Suits
- Unavailable packs reposted
- Omega482 1.5.1 suits pack
- DiverseKerbalLasses
- Using KSP v1.10.x release
- v2.8.14.0
- Change hard particle limit for individual effects
- v1.12.1-223
- Disable on demand loading
- Random main menu bodies
- View SOIs
- MM changes
- v1.8.10.0
- CustomPreLaunchChecks v1.8.1.1
- Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs
- KK list of packs
- Turning craft into statics
- DSN statics?
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v1.5.1
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v1.0.1
- v2.0.2
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v0.0.12
- v1.0.8
- v1.3.3.4
- v0.9.11
- Default config v1.3.0
- v0.10.3
- Waterfall Restock v0.2.3
- v1.2
- v0.6.1
- v0.1.24.0
- v1.1.0
Benjee10’s Historical Kerbal Suits
- v1.1.0
- v1.0.0
- Using KSP v1.10.1 release
- v1.12
- v1.0
- v1.1.12
- v1.0.4
- v3.1.1
- v1.3.0
- v2.2
- v1.0.0
- v0.5.0
- CX Konstruction Trains
- ShineFix
- Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements
- True Night Vision
- The Plod System
- Revamped Eeloo
- NiftyNebulae
- Strange New Worlds
- Blinding Light Levels Pack
- Avalon Planet Pack
- Xopak System
- Precursors System
- Kerbal Star Systems 2
- Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack
- Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey
- IO Visuals
- Janet’s Minor Planets
- Outer Planets Expansion (OPX)
- Stock Visual Terrain SVO (ScaledVersion Only)
- Kopernicus Expansion
- The World Beyond
- Chatterer
- Interstellar Visual Pack
- Docking Sounds
- BAD-T Arenas and Airfields
- Free IVA
- Trans-Keptunian
- Collision FX